‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.’
John 3. 16
The loss of someone we love is a difficult time, and our priest will support you through the process of planning a funeral. It is possible for our priest to offer the funeral service at the Crematorium (Vitan Bârzeşti) or to organise a funeral service in the church, followed by cremation or burial. If the funeral has already taken place but you would like to commemorate the life of our loved one in church, then we can organise a memorial service.
The service is in English. It is customary to say a few words about the person who has died at the funeral – and this can be done by a relative or by our priest. If the eulogy is to be given by the priest, then it is helpful to prepare some notes in advance. You do not need to bring anything particular for the service.
The fees for funeral services are set annually by the Church of England, and our priest can advise on the costs when making the arrangements.
Our annual commemoration of the faithful departed is All Souls’ day, on 2nd November. If you would like a loved one remembered at this service, our priest will happily do so.
If you would like to arrange a funeral at the Church of the Resurrection, please get in touch with us at anglicanbucharest@gmail.com