Remembering Fr. Paul Goodridge…

Given how important Fr. Paul was to our community, many in our congregation, both current and past, wanted to share a thought in memory of him and we’ve collected those thoughts in this blog post.

The photo is of one of the plaques in our church which commemorates all our past chaplains. Special thanks to Irvin Dyer for his generosity in making the engraving of Fr. Paul's name possible.

Father Paul was a very welcoming figure in our church. He would always take an interest in people and their lives and was a pleasure to converse with. His sermons were interesting and helpful- I would always feel I had learned something useful after attending Father Paul’s services. He was a deeply Christian man, who showed great concern for the problems of the world.

-Mark P.

Father Paul, slow to anger, soft-spoken yet with great care for his choice of words. He loved his family so much that his face lit up when he spoke of them, whether it was Rumyana and her mother or his children and grandchildren in the UK. He literally went to great lengths to keep our congregation nourished with the word of God. He led by example and inspired us to be better versions of who we are. He was humble and appreciative of any kind gesture. His sermons always helped us to reflect on our personal situation and how God wants to work in our lives. Mostly, he made everyone feel cherished and welcome. We were all sad to hear of his passing and know the void he has left in so many lives, yet we have no question that he is with our loving father and the others who have gone before him.

-Jae and Michael S., Madrid.

He was a good and gentle man with a large heart. He was a gifted priest that brought people, including us, closer to God and church, for which we are so grateful. We are praying for his soul to rest in perfect peace!

-Monica and Abraham

When thinking of Paul, there are a few things that come to my mind. Firstly, his sensible, heart-felt and introspective sermons. Secondly, his prayers of intercession, always aiming to the ones affected by the crises of the day. Thirdly, his humble and supportive attitude. Lastly, him presiding over Vox Medicalis Choir’s Service of Nine Lessons and Carols in December 2018. Paul will always remain in our minds and hearts. May he rest in peace, and rise in Glory.


Fr. Paul was truly truly a special man. I'll never forget how on my first Sunday visiting the church, I came in late and the only seats left were in the first row. When he came to greet me during the passing of the peace, he said he had noticed I didn't have a hymnal and said he would bring me one on the way back. He greeted everyone in the church, all the way to the entrance and back, giving me a hymnal before returning to the altar. I have never met a humbler or kinder minister.

-Monica C.

Paul meant so much to us all. He imparted to each of us a sense of belonging. He would even interrupt one of his wonderful sermons to bring a glass of water to relieve someone coughing at the back of the church.

Memories are flooding back. I think of one of the greatest church services which I ever attended anywhere - the confirmation service in our church a few years ago, so carefully organised under the inspiration and leadership of Paul.

Our loss is very great indeed. May Paul rest in peace.

-Marcela, Anna, and Willie

Father Paul was a special person. He was always kind and had a good word to say, and advice for anyone who needed it. I’m honoured to have known him and his soul will be always with us!


Paul was one of the really ‘chosen few’ who could make all around him feel wanted and needed; when speaking, he only spoke to you, not at you or over you like so many do. Even during a sermon with many in the congregation it felt as his words were directed to each individual.

I like to believe we are better people for knowing you, friend; you may be gone but will never be forgotten.

-Ian C.

Father Paul, a truly godly and compassionate man, a great inspiration to us and to many, brought us closer to God. We and so many others will miss him dearly. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

-Sonja and Marian

Father Paul to me represented hope, inspiration, kindness and love.

When Father Paul used to give his sermons, he had the uncanny knack of resonating with each one of us. He had a way of touching our hearts, in fact his lectures were soul wrenching. I used to wait eagerly for every Sunday to come so that I can once again enjoy meeting and having a conversation with the kind man. That was Father Paul.

Father Paul used to always listen to all my prayer requests, for my family, parents etc. He also heard my problems for which he always gave me comforting words and advice. Above all, he touched and hugged me once so affectionately that I forgot my worries almost instantly. That was Father Paul.

Lastly I know that Father Paul has departed from us but I know for sure that from the blue skies of heaven, he is still smiling at me and hugs me tight as he picks me up time and again.


Father Paul was a fine man, a friendly companion and a remarkable priest. The Biserica Anglicană relied on him for several years. He was kind to people in trouble. He was always at the concerts, the fish and chip suppers and other church activities. He often travelled many miles for the services, in extremes of heat and cold. He resurrected the choir. We shared many meals with Paul and Rumyana. On a personal note, I shall never forget Shan and I walking arm in arm with Paul and Rumyana in the freezing ice and snow to a restaurant as the sparks flew from the overhead tram wires. Companionship. More than anything else, he must be remembered for his sermons; no notes for Paul, he always spoke from the heart, turning frequently to Christ on the cross above the altar. Anyone who ever knew Father Paul will always cherish loving memories of him

-David and Shan P., Sheffield

Fr. Paul was indeed a great personality, he loved and respected everyone equally and it was mutual. Him and his sermons were one of the first reasons that made us regular members of the church and we would forever be grateful. He was always welcoming and even after he left the church we would look forward to seeing him during his visits. He will be dearly missed by us and the community.

-Luke and Smriti

Father Paul was the man who introduced me to Anglicanism. I remember the first Sunday Stacey and I visited Church of the Resurrection. I wasn’t certain what to expect. When Paul came forward to share his lesson for the day I was amazed at his ability to make complex things simple and applicable to my everyday life. I recall talking with him over tea or coffee after the service. He always took the time to listen. I sometimes still wonder what he thought when I asked to join with the youth for confirmation. I really enjoyed those small class sessions with him as he listened and answered whatever questions were thrown his way. He showed Christ’s love in everything he did. I had hoped to one day return and spend more time with him. He made an indelible mark on my life and for that I will always be thankful.

-John J., the United States


Greetings from Fr. Nevsky Everett


Eulogy for Fr. Paul Goodridge